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     FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
   FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
PBIS Info Card
In 2014, Madison Consolidated Schools developed a district-level position to focus on the area of College & Career Readiness for our students. An Indiana Career Council Report, June 2014, Align, Engage, Advance: A Strategic Plan to Transform Indiana’s Workforce states the Key Priorities for College and Career Readiness in the state of Indiana are:
  • Career Awareness: since 2014, Madison Consolidated Schools has strategically built a district-wide system for our students to learn about careers beginning in elementary grades with increased concentration on specialty areas through grade 12 and beyond.
  • Invest in Education that is Aligned with Industry Sectors by Region: Our College & Career Readiness Team works with regional partners to understand what we need to know about area industries which are important to and fuel our regional economy, what they anticipate to be their strategic needs down the road, and how we can help create curriculum to prepare students for college and/or career.
  • Increase Work and Learn Opportunities for Students: partnerships are developing with numerous community business and industry leaders to create opportunities which allow us to focus on internships, work-based learning environments, and apprenticeships for students in areas of potential interest.
  • Build Sector Partnerships: A sector partnership is defined by industry, businesses, a workforce system, and community organizations working together. MCS is continuing to build partnerships with local, global industries, business leaders, the non-profit sector, and community organizations such as economic development entities to understand the local/regional climate and opportunities for educational impact within our walls and into our community.
  • Pathways with Dual Credit and Certifications: through our growing partnership with Ivy Tech Community College, curriculum pathways established at MCS provide “building blocks” for students, offering dual credit in high school which allows them to move through post-secondary education more quickly, or to obtain certifications which make them employable more quickly upon graduation.
  • Increase Post-Secondary Completion: we strongly believe the focus on career exploration we have in place coupled with the curriculum and pathways tied to regional employment availability, carry over into post-secondary education success rates. By helping students identify areas of interest, providing them with classes and hands-on experience, and the availability of the dual credit or certification pieces which are critical for the transition into and completion of post-secondary education; we are increasing the success ratio for Madison students to complete post-secondary studies.
  • Students Gain Employment within Educational Pathway of Study: while difficult to track, our hope is the state can cross reference data collected through National Student Clearinghouse with the Department of Labor’s database system for comparison of new hires in the pathways of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Health Science.
MCS is staying ahead of the trends with a goal to position the district as a state leader in student preparation for both college and career success. Working with local, regional, and state partners to align our efforts through curriculum development, career exploration, and pathway expansion to create a challenging learning environment for all students.
Cub Manufacturing StudentCub Manufacturing is a work-based learning program at Madison Consolidated High School. As part of our PLTW curriculum and Advanced Manufacturing pathway, Cub Manufacturing offers students the opportunity to directly apply classroom learning in a hands-on production environment.

Established in August 2015, a number of community partners have made a significant investment in this project by donating equipment, time and expertise, and guidance through an ongoing advisory board which meets monthly to assess progress, process development, and projects. As partners in education, these area manufacturing leaders are faced with a pending retirement bubble of skilled laborers over the next 5 years or so and they see this model as a way to help students learn a trade and prepare them to enter the workforce all while completing their high school coursework.

Led by Industrial Arts Teacher, Mr. Ryan Lamb, Cub Manufacturing exposes students to all functional aspects of business as they tackle projects from conception to delivery.  They learn about design, marketing, human resources, logistics, and finance. While the hallmark project - a portable chicken grill, is still in prototype phase; students have completed jobs for area businesses, community members, and various athletic teams and other schools within the district. Each job is unique and requires careful planning and thought to generate the computer design based on specs, determine material needs and cost, calculate the retail cost of each job, how to promote product and business, as well as, how to ensure payment is received and applied to the correct account.

From classroom to shop floor, the Cub Manufacturing model gives students a special perspective on learning application where they can see the outcome in a tangible form. We are very thankful to our community partners who have helped make this project a reality for our students.

Check out the article spotlighting Cub Manufacturing and the statewide visit from IN-PIN, a collaboration network between Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning, the Department of Workforce Development, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, and the Indiana Department of Education.

Be sure to follow us on our Facebook page - Cub Manufacturing!
Learning to do, doing to learn,
learning to live, living to serve.

IMG 4720
Started in 1967, Madison Consolidated High School’s FFA chapter is rich in tradition, highly decorated in leadership and achievement, and has been a time-honored legacy for generations.  
The vision of FFA declares students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation, and a sustainable world.  This is achieved through their mission to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

Award Winning

Madison FFA Student and Chapter Achievements

2012 - Top 30 FFA chapters
2013 - First place at State in Agriculture Communications advancing to National level
2014 - Section 4 Star in Agribusiness awarded to Katy McFarland
2014 - State Winner in AG Mechanics and Job Interview
2015 - Section 4 Star Farmer awarded to Ben Hay
2015 - Top 30 Chapter in the State, a Gold Emblem Donor, and named State Agriculture Program of the Year
2015 - National finalist in Agricultural Communication - Entrepreneurship/Placement awarded to Catherine Fisher
2015 - Advanced to State in Soils and Forestry Career Development Events

2023 Chapter Officers Chapter Officers
President - Lilly Cox
IMG 4712Vice President - Josey Chapin
Secretary - Sydney Huff
Treasurers - Shelby Morton & Leanna Graham
Reporters - Abby Ferguson & Lainie Alexander
Sentinel - Brenten Wright
Student Advisor - Creed Helton
Historian - Emma Richey

Question MarkDo I have to be an agriculture student to join FFA?IMG 4672
A student has to be enrolled in one agriculture class to be a member of FFA.

Is FFA only for students who live on a farm?

No, FFA is a national student organization focusing on the vast number of elements of agriculture. There are 8 career pathways in agriculture: Agribusiness Systems, Animal Systems, Biotechnical Systems, Environmental Service Systems, Food Products and Processing Systems, Natural Resources Systems, Plant Systems, and Power, Structural and Technical Systems.

How will FFA enhance my overall student experience?
FFA offers a number of individual and team events to enhance your academic experience. FFA was founded on the principles of servant leadership and offers members opportunities to explore leadership at the local, state, and national levels.

What types of things will I learn through participation with FFA?
In addition to the agriculture education curriculum, you will have an opportunity to explore things like horticulture, forest management, soils, parliamentary procedure, public speaking, job interview preparation, community and civic involvement, and personal growth opportunities - really, about anything you can imagine!

Contact Us
For additional information please download the information flyer and/or contact the chapter advisor:
Mrs. Amanda Briggs
Madison Consolidated High School
743 Clifty Drive
Madison, IN 47250


Annual Fruit Sale
The MCHS FFA chapter kicks off their annual fresh fruit sale in early October. Profits from this popular fundraiser help cover student expenses related to state, regional, and national competitions and conventions, camps, scholarships, and materials for the FFA and MCHS agriculture department.  Please contact an FFA student to place an order or contact Mrs. Briggs with questions at   or 812-274-8333.

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Jennifer Watson- Technology Coordinator


Alex Hobson-Data Specialist

Vanessa Eldridge-Lead Technician

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Madison Image
    • Location

      Madison Consolidated Schools
      2421 Wilson Ave.
      Madison, IN 47250

      Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent

      Phone: 812-274-8001
      Fax: 812-274-8094

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    • Upcoming Events

      2 Oct
      Board Meeting
      Date 10.02.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      7 Nov
      Work Session
      11.07.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      13 Nov
      Board Meeting
      11.13.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      5 Dec
      Work Session
      12.05.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      11 Dec
      Board Meeting
      12.11.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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