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     FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
   FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
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We invite you to visit the Madison Bands website to stay up to date with all things band related.

Please enjoy this 2020-2021 Band Camp Recap!

Thanks for visiting the MCHS Learning Commons Page!

In the Learning Commons, our goals are to:Image of Learning Commons

- Get students excited about the library space and learning.
- Give students opportunities to work on engaging tasks.
- Provide spaces to work collaboratively, think critically and creatively.

Transition to a place where students DO stuff, not simply a 
place where students GET stuff!

Each visit to the Learning Commons provides a different learning environment for students to explore technology, books, experiments, and projects.  Students work together to creatively solve problems and learn how to work together in small groups to discover one another's strengths and identify opportunities for development.

We invite you to stay in touch with us!  


Collaborative seatingCollaborative and mobile seating options are one of the focal points of our newly renovated Learning Commons space at MCHS. 

Various learning environments are set up within the common space allowing student and teachers the option of collaborative learning for small or large groups, as well as, individual quiet study areas.

You can find students in this area throughout the day.  The space is scheduled through a centralized system which gives all teachers the opportunity to utilize the space.

Additionally, the interactive space is used for professional development for our faculty and staff and student extracurricular meetings and trainings.

Mobile collaborative seatingInteractive, touch-screen technology and white board functionality can be found on the walls throughout the space.  Student devices connect to the screens which allow collaboration on projects or share-outs during class time.

The enclosed small group areas at the back also have the same technology which lends itself to smaller group work.  This type of collaborative teamwork is preparing our students for both college level work or to be work-ready in a team setting with any number of our local employers.

The Learning Commons is very student focused.  Our student tech department is  located here and students can walk-in at any time for assistance with their devices or they can select a book and utilize the self-checkout system.  

Personalized Learning Academy for Connected Education
Our philosophy - Personalized, Collaborative, Student-Driven Learning

FAQsHave you ever wondered about a different approach for your student?
The function and philosophy of the Select P.L.A.C.E. are to develop independent learners who think critically, communicate effectively, and seek knowledge actively. This development stems from key focal points of the P.L.A.C.E.: educational focus (learning vs. credits), the culture of the classroom (student choice and desire to accomplish goals), educator focus (teachers who focus on teaching skills over content), and soft skills (punctuality, respect for oneself and others, self-motivation, pride in one’s work). These are the skills necessary for success in the world post-high school.

FAQs 1
In the world of education, “soft skills” are the skills that aren’t measured by tests.  We don’t believe that academic ability alone determines success. In the workforce, employers look for talents such as setting and achieving goals, managing time, showing initiative, working in teams, being on time, and working through difficult problems without giving up.  These “soft skills” are not emphasized in a regular classroom. Students in the P.L.A.C.E. will need to develop these skills in order to succeed and will have plenty of opportunities to practice them.  We form strong mentoring relationships with students so that we can coach them both in academics and in the skills we know they will need to face the world after graduation.

FAQs 2It is impossible to teach a student everything he or she needs to know in today’s world. A wide number of professional careers require continuing education. Our goal is to teach students how to teach themselves. We help students develop a self-awareness of how they learn best. We equip them with a toolbox of study strategies and give them practice in attempting new subjects on their own.  Students will not only learn how to push themselves in their own learning, they will also learn how to overcome setbacks and failure, which naturally come whenever pushing to be better. Our students will be more resilient in the face of unexpected problems and unfamiliar situations, preparing them to face future challenges of lifelong learning.

FAQs 3In life, the ability to build on your strengths to bolster your weaknesses is an important part of being strong and resilient. P.L.A.C.E. students are encouraged to utilize all of their talents and interests together as they learn. A student who struggles in science but excels in music or art is encouraged to apply their talents in learning. Instead of limiting a student to multiple-choice tests or essays, they can write songs, paint murals, or select a medium they are confident to help them demonstrate their learning. As much as it is possible, we encourage students to pursue their interests while practicing skills. Instead of assigning a topic for writing essays, we let students choose a subject they are interested in so they can engage in something they are passionate about while mastering the skill of writing.

FAQs 4Every student is different. Each one has different strengths and talents, learns in different ways, at different paces. Additionally, an individual student may learn one subject faster or slower than another subject. We also know our ability to learn can vary widely from one day to the next.  With this in mind, we give students the opportunity to learn without the time restrictions of a regular classroom. They can push ahead in a subject they are passionate about or talented in. They can take extra time with a subject they need more practice on. They won’t get frustrated because they can’t keep up with an artificial pace set by the school calendar, or are stalled by a class that is not moving as fast as they are able.

Should you have questions or would like additional information, please visit our website or feel free to reach out and contact our Select P.L.A.C.E. faculty Program Leader, Mr. Jared Kempton.

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. 
Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Madison Consolidated High School has been a host for Jobs for America's Graduates (Madtown JAG) since 2010.  Since our beginning, our JAG program has grown considerably each year and with growth, comes incredible success for our students!

Our students routinely travel and compete and bring home top honors.  We have received 50+ awards for our individual and chapter achievements and community contributions. Our program has touched the lives of hundreds of students who continue to pour into one another after graduation as mentors to younger students. 

You can read about their recent successes at the Region 9 Career Development Conference in our March edition of The District Correspondent

Jobs for America’s Graduates
(JAG) is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. JAG's mission is to keep young people in school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enroll in a postsecondary institution that leads to a rewarding career.  

Follow MadtownJag on their Google site for the most up-to-date info!IMG 0199
File 0032Team LEAD is a school-wide student leadership opportunity where collaboration, service, and inclusion provide the foundation for growth and development of future leaders!
Over 100 students represent Grades 9 through 12 in this dynamic group of energetic, positive, future-focused students.  It encompasses students from all aspects of student life, encourages new members to join at any time, and works to collaborate with other schools and community leadership to continue to make Madison a great place to be!

While Team LEAD is a high school organization, they work closely with the Peer Counselors at MJHS - where young leaders are encouraged to get involved within the middle school.  With a very similar vision and mission, both groups lead their respective student bodies with a focus on respect for self and one another, kindness to all, and a desire for positive impact whenever possible.   Team LEAD is exploring mentorship opportunities with these young leaders to create events and curriculum that can be used in both schools as part of our character education programming.

Some highlights of the Team LEAD organization include hosting world renowned speaker George Curous where they learned about of the ever-increasing importance of Digital Citizenship.  They not only facilitated a student assembly and discussion but also led a discussion with Mr. Curous for several community leaders and parents to help them better understand the need for safe use of technology among students today.

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Madison Image
    • Location

      Madison Consolidated Schools
      2421 Wilson Ave.
      Madison, IN 47250

      Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent

      Phone: 812-274-8001
      Fax: 812-274-8094

      Follow us

    • Upcoming Events

      2 Oct
      Board Meeting
      Date 10.02.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      7 Nov
      Work Session
      11.07.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      13 Nov
      Board Meeting
      11.13.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      5 Dec
      Work Session
      12.05.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      11 Dec
      Board Meeting
      12.11.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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for every student, every day.