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Family Resources Library

We are committed to creating a library of quick-reference resources we hope you find helpful! 

Training videos or instructions are linked below under their various categories and more work is being done to make this resource center more robust.  If you have a topic of interest, please feel free to email to make a suggestion!

Parent & Guardian Learning Resources - a comprehensive list of all things to get you started!
Register from the App
Manage your account settings
View class posts

View alerts and notifications received
View, send, or reply to a direct message
Change or reset your password

Website Navigation
MCS homepage navigation overview
Food Service - menus, interactive nutritional site, and more!
Calendars - access points and viewing options
Madison Athletics - website, schedules, and Event Link
Document Library - how documents are stored
Finding my school-specific information


Google Classroom for Parents - Overview (New EdTech Classroom)

Family Access is a central hub for all things student-related at MCS.  Please take a moment and review the topics below for short, information-packed videos that will help you navigate frequently visited areas of Skyward.   These videos range in length from 1:16 to 3:17, so they are easy to watch and understand.  

Family Access Overview 
Parent Power-up: Online Registration
Parent Power-up: Account Settings
Parent Power-up: Checking Grades (grades may also be checked through Google Classroom, videos above)
Parent Power-up: Food Service
Parent Power-up: Messaging
Parent Power-up: Push Notifications
Parent Power-up: Downloading the Mobile App
Madison Image
    • Location

      Madison Consolidated Schools
      2421 Wilson Ave.
      Madison, IN 47250

      Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent

      Phone: 812-274-8001
      Fax: 812-274-8094

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