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     FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
   FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
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The MJHS Peer Counselors recently visited all of our elementary schools to share anti-bullying and positive student behavior lifeline lessons.  Curriculum content of the various, grade level appropriate lessons included things such as friendship, respect, tolerance, and kindness.  Peer Counselor teams were responsible for preparing the content and leading the lesson.  Some groups gave presentations, others played games, some used music, but each team had interactive experiences with students throughout our district.

Mrs. Beddingham, one of the Peer Counselor mentors, shared that students would board the bus and debrief each visit during the ride back to school.  "Students discussed what went well, what could be improved upon for the next visit, but more importantly discussed how each visit impacted them and fueled their passion to continue this work!  The students were especially excited to go back and visit their elementary buildings and teachers and look forward to sharing these very important messages with our younger students."  

Be sure to ask your elementary student about what they learned when their friends from MJHS came to visit!
MJHS is a place for students to explore leadership!  We feel very strongly that our students have a voice and responsibility to help create an environment which is safe, respectful, and fosters learning and healthy relationships.

The Peer Counselor Program at MJHS was created by Mrs. Dianna Risk in the 1995-1996 school year and implemented for the 1996-1997 school year.  While elements of the program have changed over time, the overall premise has remained the same.   This program is now funded through annual grant funding from the MJHS Peer Counseling Endowment in Honor of Dianna Risk through the Community Foundation of Madison Jefferson County.

Currently, the program offers students in Grades 7 and 8 an opportunity to participate in a leadership training program designed to help students become effective advocates for the prevention of bullying and drug prevention.   Students are identified by teachers and counselors and are nominated to participate in the program.  If selected, students sign a Peer Counselor Contract  which outlines expectations on specific behavior, roles, and responsibilities.

The Peer Counselors are provided with a curriculum which helps with the instruction of self-esteem, assertiveness, communication, and leadership skills. Upon completion, these students have the resources, tools, and ability to lead and inspire their peers.  Beginning in 7th Grade, Peer Counselors will train during the Bear Necessities class period and learn foundational elements of the program.  Students will work with their 8th Grade peers in a support role during in-class presentations as they prepare to take the lead the following year.  

During the summer between grades 7 and 8, our incoming  8th Grade Peer Counselors attend Camp Win-Win.  This hands-on learning experience is facilitated by MJHS Counselors and Advisors and teaches students techniques and programs using curriculum lessons and role play which help them develop the necessary skills required to lead and teach lessons to their peers.  Our 8th Grade Peer Counselors have a responsibility to prepare for and teach a lesson one Thursday per month to other students within the building.   Each 8th Grade Peer Counselor "adopts" a classroom for the year as a way to foster and develop meaningful relationships with students within that classroom.

The Drug Prevention Group is another strong element of the Peer Counselor Program.  In addition to the peer mentoring and positive choice lessons, our Drug Prevention Group is very involved and plans several activities throughout the year.  Annual events include Red Ribbon Awareness Week  and a dance each October where we focus on and promote a drug-free lifestyle.  Our team shares drug-free messages with our community as we walk in the Christmas parade, and our students present a performance of the poem "The House That Crack Built" during the incoming student orientation each spring.  

Currently, there are 108 students involved in the Peer Counselor Program at MJHS!  At MJHS, we all work together all year to incorporate valuable lessons which are applicable at school and at home to help students always strive to be their best and make good decisions.  


Students at MJHS can begin exploring fine arts as soon as they arrive as 5th graders!  With a variety of art classes, including Intro to 2D and 3D Art, band, choir, and Creative Dramatics, students at MJHS are encouraged to find their creative outlet.  Annual events, such as Meet the Makers Night, band and choir concerts, and plays, showcase the talent of our students and expose them to the performance elements associated with music and theatre.

Interested students can continue their path at MCHS in the Fine Arts Academy to complete the requirements for the Fine Arts graduation pathway - a Madison exclusive!

Madison Fine Arts 2024
MJHS PLTW Tech Use resizedStudents in PLTW Medical Detectives class use blended learning to enhance study of sheep brain.

PLTW really takes off at MJHS!

PLTW is a curriculum offered to students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 and offers a transformative learning environment where students are often hands-on in a variety of classes incorporating STEAM principles.  

Beginning in Grade 6, students have the opportunity to select from six different (and ever-expanding),  grade specific PLTW courses.  Courses include Science of Technology, Medical Detectives, Energy & the Environment, Design and Modeling, Automation and Robotics, and Introduction to Computer Science.  These exciting classes are designed to intrigue learners and develop critical thinking skills which will create the foundation for courses at the high school level.

Please visit our Course Curriculum Guide  for up to date information and course descriptions.
Personalized Learning is a new and exciting initiative at MJHS!

The primary purpose of this program is to provide a personalized educational experience, through student, teacher, and peer collaboration, in order to develop self-directed and internally motivated lifelong learners.

Students are given the freedom to explore, create, and build their curriculum according to their own needs and interests. It allows students more flexibility to take control and help guide their own education and find ways to make learning more intentional, meaningful, and fun for each student.

Our program is cross-curricular, project-based, standards-based, and student driven. This allows students to make more connections, become more creative, meet the state requirements, and keep students interested and loving their education.

Our goal, through this initiative, is to create lifelong, self-motivated learners.

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