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     FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
   FINAL CIRCLE Vison Mission Strategy 3
EOMMCSSITE5Thanks for visiting the Anderson Elementary Learning Commons Page!

In the Learning Commons, our goals are to:
  • Get students excited about the library space and learning.
  • Give students opportunities to work on engaging tasks.
  • Provide spaces to work collaboratively, think critically and creatively.
Transition to a place where students DO stuff, not simply a place where students GET stuff!

Each visit to the Learning Commons provides a different learning environment for students to explore technology, books, experiments, and projects.  Students work together to creatively solve problems and learn how to work together in small groups to discover one another's strengths and identify opportunities for development. We invite you to stay in touch with us!  Feel free to browse our monthly, interactive newsletters linked below.

Learning Commons projects are created and completed during Learning Commons class time at school.  Occasionally, staff may request donations of recyclable materials or found objects.  No request will ever be made for students or parents to purchase materials for projects. Thanks

PLTW Launch is designed for students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 and compliments our middle and high school course offerings.

"Students use structured approaches, like the engineering design process, and employ critical thinking. They apply Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge, skills, and habits of mind, learning that it is OK to take risks and make mistakes. As teachers and students learn and discover together, education becomes far more engaging." (PLTW Launch website).

For more information, go to https://www.pltw.org/our-programs/pltw-launch.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) assists in creating a positive, nurturing learning environment with high expectations for students and staff members.

What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a process for creating school environments that are more predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. PBIS will enhance our current systems and practices and also change our culture for the better.

How Does It Work?

A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. The majority of students follow the school’s expectations, but are never acknowledged for their positive behavior. Through instruction, comprehension and regular practice, all teachers and staff members will use a consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When some students do not respond to teaching of the behavioral rules, we will view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not just punishment.

Does it Make a Difference?

The PBIS model is a research based strategy that is supported by the state of Indiana and the federal Department of Education. The 3-tiered approach reduces problem behavior as a barrier to student achievement. We only have 180 days each year to advance academic progress, so instructional time is very valuable. Research shows that schools following the PBIS model recover thousands of hours of instructional time and, on average, four days of student instruction per year. It supports our belief that students are entitled to a safe, orderly environment that will provide them with an appropriate education.
How does PBIS Differ from other school behavior programs?
  • The program is focused on acknowledging students for consistent positive behavior.
  • There are expectations for all students, parents, staff, and settings.
  • Teachers are acknowledging positive student behavior.
  • Direct instruction of expected behaviors will occur throughout the school year.
  • Routines and language with respect to appropriate school behavior are consistent throughout the school.
  • Students are rewarded for expected behavior by staff with Tiger Tickets that they can spend at various times throughout the school year.
  • Problem behavior will be responded to with consistent consequences that are focused on re-teaching the expected behaviors.
Our Core Values

  • R - Respectful
    • Be Courteous
    • Try Your Best
    • Use Kind Words
    • Say please, thank you, and excuse me
  • O - Organized
    • Be prepared
    • Use materials properly
    • Be on time
    • Follow directions
  • A - Always in Control
    • Be prepared and stay on task
    • Eyes and ears on speaker
    • Ask for help when needed
  • R - Responsible
    • Act in a way that no one gets hurt
    • Maintain personal space
    • Be ready to learn
What About Students That are Disruptive?

Our PBIS school team has developed a documented discipline system that is integrated with the district’s Code of Conduct. When problem behavior occurs, students are provided a full continuum of supports to address the behavior. If students do not respond, the intensity of the support increases. Most problem student behaviors either have an academic or social base. Properly addressing the root cause of behavior can prevent student failure later in life.

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Madison Image
    • Location

      Madison Consolidated Schools
      2421 Wilson Ave.
      Madison, IN 47250

      Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent

      Phone: 812-274-8001
      Fax: 812-274-8094

      Follow us

    • Upcoming Events

      2 Oct
      Board Meeting
      Date 10.02.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      7 Nov
      Work Session
      11.07.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      13 Nov
      Board Meeting
      11.13.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      5 Dec
      Work Session
      12.05.2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
      11 Dec
      Board Meeting
      12.11.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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for every student, every day.