Over 100 students represent Grades 9 through 12 in this dynamic group of energetic, positive, future-focused students. It encompasses students from all aspects of student life, encourages new members to join at any time, and works to collaborate with other schools and community leadership to continue to make Madison a great place to be!
While Team LEAD is a high school organization, they work closely with the Peer Counselors at MJHS - where young leaders are encouraged to get involved within the middle school. With a very similar vision and mission, both groups lead their respective student bodies with a focus on respect for self and one another, kindness to all, and a desire for positive impact whenever possible. Team LEAD is exploring mentorship opportunities with these young leaders to create events and curriculum that can be used in both schools as part of our character education programming.
Some highlights of the Team LEAD organization include hosting world renowned speaker George Curous where they learned about of the ever-increasing importance of Digital Citizenship. They not only facilitated a student assembly and discussion but also led a discussion with Mr. Curous for several community leaders and parents to help them better understand the need for safe use of technology among students today.