In addition to the research-based early literacy instruction and development, we continue grade level appropriate exploration of our STEAM initiative - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math:
- PLTW Launch! curriculum is based on experiential learning where students work in a hands-on learning environment to explore innovation and cause and effect outcome, ultimately learning it is OK to take risks, make mistakes, and understand how to implement new learning moving forward.
- Digital Citizenship is a priority as students begin using technology and devices as learning tools in Kindergarten. In a world full of technology, we (parents and educators) have a responsibility to teach students appropriate on-line etiquette, create an understanding of safe parameters, and develop a foundation as a responsible, life-long digital user.
- Art and Music classes, combined with Physical Education, encourage students a weekly opportunity to begin exploration of self-expression through activity. This creates a foundational element for further exploration of fine arts and athletics at the secondary level.
- Everyday Math is a research-based mathematics curriculum designed to provide students with maximized critical-thinking and problem-solving activities which help guide students from foundational work to mastery of each standard.
- Spanish language instruction is offered to all students as a way to introduce cultural exploration and linguistic opportunity. Research tells us students are most apt to successfully learn a foreign language if started in the early development stages.
- Learning Commons transforms traditional library spaces to better incorporate exploratory learning through various methods including print resources, technology, innovation, creativity, and hands-on application. Enhancements will include the addition of MakerSpaces which will take the collaborative learning and hands-on elements a step further. With dedicated space, students can invent, design, create prototypes, and produce products through the use of 3-D printers and latest technology.
- PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a process for creating school environments which are more predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. PBIS will enhance our current systems and practices, as well as, continue to improve our culture.