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High Ability

High Ability

Madison Consolidated Schools believes in strong differentiation and enrichment programming for identified high-ability students. Differentiation provides meaningful differences in the types of educational experiences and challenges that students receive. While differentiated instruction throughout the district should allow every child to receive instruction that is appropriately tailored to her or his particular needs and abilities, being identified as a participant in the high-ability program of Madison Consolidated Schools must mean that a child is experiencing something genuinely different than students not participating in the program. Students in the high-ability program receive differentiated academic opportunities through schoolwide cluster grouping and accelerated programming. It is anticipated that this programming will provide students with a rigorous academic curriculum that prepares students for college and career readiness. In addition to differentiated instruction and cluster grouping, high-ability students also have the opportunity to participate in AP courses, ACP courses, dual credit courses, virtual learning opportunities, and after-school enrichment. It is the goal of the Madison Consolidated Schools high ability program to enhance critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students have the opportunity to investigate content areas at advanced levels appropriate to the student's abilities. Students develop a healthy self-concept, and self-efficacy, and develop an understanding and respect for the differences in people.  


  • Differentiated instruction
  • Leveled reading and flexible grouping
  • Leveled math and flexible grouping
  • Accelerated academic programming


  • Honors classes for algebra, geometry, and ELA
  • High school credit offerings in Health and College and Careers
  • Bear Necessities Interventions to provide differentiated instruction
  • After school high ability programming such as academic teams and enrichment opportunities 


  • AP courses
  • ACP and dual credit courses
  • Virtual learning opportunities
  • After school high ability programming such as academic teams and enrichment opportunities
  • Enrichment learning during breaks 

Multifaceted High Ability Identification Plan

At Madison Consolidated Schools students are provided access and opportunity to high-ability programming through the administration of norm-referenced aptitude measures, achievement measures, quantitative measures, qualitative measures, and other instruments as approved by the MCS high ability advisory board. During the administration of these norm-referenced measures, students will receive allowable accommodations based on standardized testing procedures. These verbal and quantitative ability and achievement assessments provide the path for high-ability identification. At the conclusion of the assessment administration period, and as needed throughout the academic year, the MCS high-ability advisory board meets to review the quantitative and qualitative components of high-ability identification to determine student placement and evaluate the high-ability program. 

Students in grades K, 2, 5, and 8 are administered the CogAT norm-referenced aptitude measure screener in the spring of the academic year to specifically target and identify ability/potential.  Grade K, 2, 5, and 8 students who score at or above the 80th percentile on the norm-referenced aptitude measure then complete the full battery measure by taking the post screener. Students in grade K are administered the full battery CogAT in the spring of the academic year. The administration of the CogAT norm-referenced aptitude measure for ability/potential is one component of high-ability identification at Madison Consolidated Schools. 

MCS K-8 students are also administered the Northwest Evaluation Association norm-referenced adaptive measure of achievement (NWEA) as an additional measure of identification. (NWEA) is given to students in grades K-8 three times a year (BOY, MOY, EOY) in reading and mathematics.  Those students in grades 3-8 scoring at the 96th percentile, and K-2 scoring at the 98th percentile on the NWEA reading and math norm-reference adaptive measure of achievement will be considered for high ability identification as a second component of the high ability identification process. 

PSAT, End-of-course assessments, and the AP potential tool may also be used as additional quantitative measures in the identification process. Qualitative measures may include but are not limited to a parent letter, student work samples completed independently, information from an outside tutor or enrichment program leader, copies of testing reports from other psychological and or academic testing agencies, and teacher knowledge of the student. These qualitative measures can serve as the third component of the high-ability identification process. 

Students new to MCS who have been identified by their previous district will be considered upon enrollment to Madison Consolidated Schools.  A copy of the previous school’s high-ability requirements will be compared to MCS’s high-ability requirements.  The MCS high ability advisory board will then determine if the former school’s requirements are similar to, or more stringent than MCS’s. The advisory board has the right to place, or not place a new student in the high-ability program of Madison Consolidated Schools.  Should the advisory board deny a student’s placement into high-ability programming, and the parent(s) or guardian(s) disagree with the decision, they have the right to request a high-ability evaluation that includes the multiple measures of determination used by Madison Consolidated Schools. 

Indiana Department of Education High Ability Education

Indiana Department of Education High Ability FAQ

Indiana Department of Education High Ability Coordinator Handbook

High Ability Appeal/Exit  Process

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    • Location

      Madison Consolidated Schools
      2421 Wilson Ave.
      Madison, IN 47250

      Dr. Teresa Brown, Superintendent

      Phone: 812-274-8001
      Fax: 812-274-8094

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      MCHS Athletics Fundraising Dinner
      Date 05.17.2025 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm