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Clubs and Activities

Deputy Cheer Squad

The Cheer Squad is available to students of all ages and supports the basketball teams during the season in November and December. This is an umbrella program of our Deputy PTO.  Please contact the main office for additional information.

Deputy Little League

Deputy Little League is a summer activity running in May and June.  Participation is available for any student entering Kindergarten in August through age 16.  
The leagues include t-ball, baseball, and slow pitch softball and is home to nearly 500 kids from neighboring communities and counties.  This is an umbrella program of our Deputy PTO. Please contact the main office for additional information.

Kitchen Helpers

The Kitchen Helpers are a group of student volunteers of all ages who choose to stay and help our cafeteria staff clean up following lunch instead of going to recess.  They are a big help when it comes to taking out the trash, breaking down the boxes, or simply helping to tidy up!  These students are great servant leaders!

Math Bowl

The Math Bowl team is an activity for students in Grades 4 and 5.  Our team is coached by building teachers and focuses on mastering grade appropriate math and problem solving skills.  Students are encouraged to work a wide variety of problems in preparation for local and regional competitions.  

As with Spell Bowl, the Math Bowl teams are a great introduction to the competitive academic team environment where students are pushed to study independently, outside of class time to achieve excellence in mathematics.

Morning Helpers

The Morning Helpers are 5th grade students who serve as a teacher assistant in the primary grades.  These students are available to assist fellow students in Grades K through 2 to ensure their iPads are ready for the day, help them get unpacked and organized for the day, assist with snacks, or take lunch count.  It is always encouraging to have a helping hand first thing in the morning!

NASP Archery Program

The Deputy Deadeye Archery program is available to students in Grades 4 and 5. Some students in Grade 3 may participate with Principal approval.

Teaching the basics of the sport and progressing as skills are developed, these students have scholarship opportunities if they continue through high school and state levels.

Running Club

Our running club is available to students of all ages who are interested in training for The Annual Molly Dattilo 5k Run Walk and Elementary Races.  Held each year in May, local volunteer coaches, parents, and teachers help train students to compete in either a mile dash or the 5K run.  Our school is always well represented and this is a great way to get active with your friends for a great cause!

Spell Bowl

We have a Primary Spell Bowl team for students in Grades 2 and 3 and an Intermediate Spell Bowl team for students in Grades 4 and 5.  Each team is coached by building teachers and focuses on mastering grade appropriate spelling lists consisting of hundreds of words.  Students are given a practice list, try-out, and are selected for the team based on their accuracy.

If chosen for the team, students can count on lots of extra time after school (both on-site and homework type practice) to practice in preparation for local and regional competitions. Our Spell Bowl teams are very competitive and the students really enjoy the camaraderie the experience provides and is a great introduction to academic teams.

Student Council

Panther Pride is a leadership opportunity for students in Grades 4 and 5. This student group spearheads the majority of the service project for Deputy Elementary.  They oversee our food drives, sponsor our Christmas Angel Tree, and create other opportunities for our students to serve others.  

These students are selected by their fellow students. There are traditional officer positions in place to begin the experience of serving on boards with formal processes.
Madison Image
    • Location

      Deputy Elementary School
      14350 W. Mulberry Street
      Deputy, IN 47230

      Kathy Stoner, Principal

      Phone: 812-274-8007
      Fax: 812-274-8547

      Follow us

    • Upcoming Events

      23 Jan
      Deputy PTO Meeting
      Date 01.23.2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
      24 Jan
      Deputy 9 Weeks Awards Day
      01.24.2025 8:00 am - 9:00 am