Girls on the Run
As part of the Girls on the Run with King’s Daughters’ Health, this program is specifically geared for girls in Grades 3 - 5. This is an afterschool program focusing on creating strong, healthy young women by helping to educate them on positive emotional, mental, and physical life aspects and celebrating everything that makes them unique.
Math Bowl
The Math Bowl team is an activity for students in Grades 4 and 5. Our team is coached by building teachers and focuses on mastering grade appropriate math and problem solving skills. Students are encouraged to work a wide variety of problems in preparation for local and regional competitions.
As with Spell Bowl, the Math Bowl teams are a great introduction to the competitive academic team environment where students are pushed to study independently, outside of class time to achieve excellence in mathematics.
As with Spell Bowl, the Math Bowl teams are a great introduction to the competitive academic team environment where students are pushed to study independently, outside of class time to achieve excellence in mathematics.
Robotics Team
Do you love building things, figure out how things work, and problem solve?
Then you may be interested in being part of our Robotics Team! Available to students in Grades 3 through 5, participating students meet once a week throughout the school year to plan, design, and build a team robot. The team will also travel occasionally during the school year to compete against other elementary robotics teams.
Congratulations to the 2016 - 2017 Robotics Club on their first competition and 4th place in regional competition on January 21, 2017.
Then you may be interested in being part of our Robotics Team! Available to students in Grades 3 through 5, participating students meet once a week throughout the school year to plan, design, and build a team robot. The team will also travel occasionally during the school year to compete against other elementary robotics teams.

Running Club
Our running club is available to students of all ages who are interested in training for The Annual Molly Dattilo 5k Run Walk and Elementary Races. Held each year in May, local volunteer coaches, parents, and teachers help train students to compete in either a mile dash or the 5K run. Our school is always well represented and this is a great way to get active with your friends for a great cause!
Science Bowl
We have an intermediate Science Bowl team for students in Grades 4 and 5. Students compete in the annual Science Bowl Competition sponsored by the Indiana Association of School Principals in partnership with Purdue University. The competition is done online in order to save travel expenses.
Sessions last for 90 minutes and consist of questions developed by consultants from the Indiana Science Standards. The sessions are broken into three sections consisting of an hands-on experiment, general team questions, and individual questions.
For more information -
Sessions last for 90 minutes and consist of questions developed by consultants from the Indiana Science Standards. The sessions are broken into three sections consisting of an hands-on experiment, general team questions, and individual questions.
For more information -
Spell Bowl
We have a Primary Spell Bowl team for students in Grades 2 and 3 and an Intermediate Spell Bowl team for students in Grades 4 and 5. Each team is coached by building teachers and focuses on mastering grade appropriate spelling lists consisting of hundreds of words. Students are given a practice list, try-out, and are selected for the team based on their accuracy.
If chosen for the team, students can count on lots of extra time after school (both on-site and homework type practice) to practice in preparation for local and regional competitions. Our Spell Bowl teams are very competitive and the students really enjoy the camaraderie the experience provides and is a great introduction to academic teams.
If chosen for the team, students can count on lots of extra time after school (both on-site and homework type practice) to practice in preparation for local and regional competitions. Our Spell Bowl teams are very competitive and the students really enjoy the camaraderie the experience provides and is a great introduction to academic teams.
STARS After School
Independent of the school, STARS After School is a program hosted at Lydia Middleton under the direction of Missy Perry. Information on STARS is available in the main office, or feel free to contact Missy Perry at .